Thursday, 16 July 2020

Latest News: UPDATES

Adam Turk has been working tirelessly on his sixth album.

The re-recorded parts has included Adam playing electronic drums on some of the tracks, which has increased the workload somewhat, but what we have heard is electric!

Some of his songs has been re-worked and has made sufficient improvements to the overall sound of them.

Adam is now on song six out of ten songs on the album, and we have been told that it is pretty much downhill, meaning that in the next six weeks the songs will be completed and ready for vocals to be added. 

There has been a certain amount of sound and mixing engineering on the past five tracks, so the project will come together quite quickly towards the end of August, beginning of September. 

Keep on Rockin'!

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Latest News - Adam Turk - UPDATES

Adam Turk has been reworking the ten songs, which he had initally recorded several years now. 

A few technical problems surfaced during the editing process, which disappointed Adam Turk, so getting the Mask and Breakout! music video finished, allowed a break from recording. 

The break gave Adam Turk the space and time to then have a new pair of eyes on his sixth album project, and saw the technical flaws and knew the solutions, which was to re-record and reworked some of the lyrics, to make this project ROCK!

Adam Turk is happy and excited about his latest album and this is a new dawn for the way he is going to work on future projects and albums.

Currently all ten songs on Adam Turk's forthcoming album has finished all of the re-recorded and overdubed sections. 

Now for the 'cutting-in' process, which is where all of the different musical content is slotted into each track.

We will keep you informed of the latest developments.

Thank you Rockers! Keep on Rockin'!